
Thursday, February 27, 2014


Robocop stars Joel Kinnaman as the fighting force of the future, where he can not be destroyed. Robocop was built by Gary Oldman who is a brilliant scientist who sits back concurring meets with the ultimate super cop and he is being financed by the great Michael Keaton who is a brilliant business owner who is completely capable on the inside.

The original Robocop I thought was a genius creation by some brilliant film makers. Peter Weller was extraordinary and natural as Robocop and he will never be equaled.

I thought the movie was horribly written and also it was horribly directed I don't understand why this film has been made.  Also the new Robocop Joel Kinnaman will probably be better in significant roles but he is not good in this performance.

Michael Keaton, Gary Oldman and Samuel L Jackson are all terrific in the roles they are given to be in. Once again superior actors, a terrible script, and horrible directing.

The only reason I'm giving this movie one and a half stars is because of Michael Keaton, Gary Oldman and Samuel L Jackson.

I gave Robocop 1 1/2 stars out of four.


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